Counseling Terms and Conditions

By requesting counseling from the District Export Council of Southern California (DECSC) you agree to the following Terms and Conditions by completing and submitting our online form:

I request export assistance from DECSC. I agree to cooperate should I be selected to participate in any survey(s) designed to evaluate the assistance services provided. I authorize the DECSC to furnish relevant information to the assigned counselor(s), management and U.S. Dept. of Commerce personnel, although I expect the information to be held in strict confidence as business proprietary information and trade secrets.

I further understand DECSC will not accept fees or commissions developing from this counseling relationship. However, the individual consultant is permitted to charge his or her fees in the event the request expands beyond the consulting provided by DECSC. By pressing the Submit button on the online form, and in consideration of DECSC’s furnishing of management or technical assistance, I hereby waive all claims of any sort against DECSC, its members and any co-sponsoring organizations.

I understand and acknowledge there are no warranties or assurances in connection with the management or technical assistance being provided, and I proceed at my own risk if I elect to pursue the business opportunity about which I seek counseling, whether or not DECSC, its member(s) and any co-sponsoring organizations have deemed the said business opportunity advisable.

Updated: February 15, 2014
Effective: immediately.

Third party content and website rerouting

The opinions expressed in third party publications are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of DECSC or its members. The designations employed in those publications and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the DECSC or its members.